Once a PD, always a PD -- Matt Gonzalez comes to the aid of fellow progressive (and former colleague at the public defender's office) Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, penning an editorial published on the front page of the local African-American paper, the SF Bay View.

So Sandoval's in a fight with Republican political consultant Duane Baughman over "anonymous" attack flyers mailed out in the 2004 race. But who? Who was it? Well, Gonzalez calls 'em out, identifying the flyers as sent by.... Don Fisher from the Gap -- possibly in retaliation for Sandoval's vote supporting a Gonzalez-sponsored bill against chain stores (which failed subsequently passed [thanks for the correction, faithful reader!]). Aw, say it ain't so, Matt! We love our Gap hoodie!

One of the flyers, which Matt calls "the dirtiest piece of political mail I've ever seen," had a swastika on it and called Sandoval anti-Semitic. Another one had a picture of Ashcroft with the phrase "thanks, Gerardo!" stamped on The Soaring Eagle's forehead, arguing that Sandoval's support of that proposition allowing non-citizens to vote in school board elections would lead to more deportations. What, Fisher couldn't get Joss Stone to go negative about Sandoval's failure to wear white denim this season too?

Gonzalez and Sandoval are calling for better disclosure laws on local political mailers in the future. Us, we're calling for a more relaxed fit on Don Fisher's boot-cut sandblasted vintage jeans.

This picture of Matt is awesome. From the Progressive Voter Project.