Although similar recent efforts have mostly failed, our very own Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Leland Yee is pushing a bill -- AB 450 -- that would fine retailers $1,000 for selling M-rated video games to the under-17 set. Leland, himself a child psychologist, points to surprisingly convincing evidence that violent play can lead to violent behavior, particularly among chowderheaded urchins whose useless, idiot parents are raising them without any common sense or impulse control. He's joined, for some reason, by the California Girl Scout Councils, who compare M-rated games to pr0n, tobacco, and alcohol -- a comparison at which there simply aren't enough eyes in the world to roll. According to one Scouting spokesperson, some video games "teach them to abuse women, join street gangs, kill police officers, even assassinate President Kennedy." Their concern for JFK's safety is touching. Srsly. We hear Lee Harvey Oswald was a minor, and played Grand Theft Auto all the time. If only Electronics Boutique had carded him!

As hysterical and clueless as some of the bill's supporters' remarks are, though, we surely would welcome an end to the game industry's sophomoric obsession with sex and guts. After the jump: boobs, parents, and a guy named Henry.