One of the many perks of SFist, (besides the private jet, sumptious office spaces, and Gavin calling round-the-clock "just to say 'hi'"), is that we are forced to get out of the house and go do awesomely cool stuff in the name of Web Journalism. The latest entry in this big-fun anti-hermit campaign is the San Francisco International Film Festival, which opens tonight and runs through Thursday May 5. You can see the entire calendar, buy tickets, and see the "scoop du jour" on the site for San Francisco Film Society, which presents the festival. Over the next week-and-a-half, 185 film representing 49 countries will be screened, with premieres, special events, and real live movie stars all over the place.

If you can't make it out, SFist will bring the festival to you, as we'll be out there attending screenings and events, as well as making asses of ourselves in the "Hospitality Suite". Keep your eye on SFist for all the gory details!