The question is being discussed in the MSM, the internets, and the shouting yak-fest shows on ESPN. A recent poll on showed that not only do people want him to retire, but think he's bad for baseball too. Columnists are writing that all this retirement talk is making Bud Selig do a happy dance of joy and that he's busy sticking pins in his Barry Bonds bobble-head voodoo doll. There is even some discussion out there about what would happen if instead of the schlubily hapless Fredo that is Bud Selig, the savvy David Stern ran baseball and whether he'd engineer the same sort of "retirement" that he "engineered" for Michael Jordan. Even some Giants' bloggers are beginning to think it. Then, on Friday, the Chron's Bruce Jenkins chimed in and wrote that Bonds should stick it out this season, pass Ruth on the home run list, then retire at the end of the season. How bad has it gotten for Barry these days? Last week, one of the snarking heads on VH-1’s "Best Week Ever" responded to Barry's pained pleas by simply giving him the finger.