News flash! Traffic is really bad around here! The Examiner is starting a six-part series looking at specific traffic jam spots, what's wrong with them from a civil engineering perspective, and what we can do to fix them (answer: nothing).

Today's piece: number one traffic congestion spot, the I-80 Maze. The article, cheerily titled "Interstate 80: Where East Bay Drivers Come To A Halt" (and even more sunnily subtitled, "Poor design, lack of metering lights cause bottlenecks"), details what they're doing about everyone's much-beloved left-blinker Emeryville 80/580/880 merger panic (nothing), and provides a long explanation of why they can't get metering lights along the route. Meanwhile, drivers continue to lose an average of 6570 hours per day waiting to get to the toll booth.

Mad props to the Examiner -- this series is going to rule! As a former Silicon Valley reverse-commuter, we're totally looking forward to Wednesday's "101: Why, Dear Lord, Why?" And we're even more totally looking forward to reading it on the BART! (Hey, Mr. Anschutz, have you considered releasing this series in mp3 format so people can listen to it on the road?)

Maze from MazeMaker