What? Did we hear someone say "Boo! Bad segue!"?

Fine. How's this? On Sunday on CBS at 9 p.m. you can catch the awesomely titled made-for-TV movie Spring Break Shark Attack. We haven't heard a better title since last week's Mansquito! Can it possibly top that instant classic in gross-out gore? Being that it's on CBS, the network for grandparents, we venture to guess no. But it does star Shannon Lucio of "The O.C." (She played Lindsay, Ryan's girlfriend who left town after confirming that Caleb--Seth's grandfather and Marissa's stepfather--was indeed her biological father. What? That show sounds good to you? Well, it was. Last season. It sucks now. Go rent season one.) Set in Florida, the movie combines bikini-clad college students and blood-thirsty sharks. We doubt there could possibly be anything better on TV this Sunday night.

Image of shark bait from IGN FilmForce.