Ah, Valencia Street. Who hasn't nearly been run over by a car, a bus, a biker, or frantic pedestrians running to make their reservations at Luna Park, on the Mission District's own Fifth Avenue thoroughfare? Who hasn't either parked in the median, or gleefully snickered as cars parked in the median were towed away?

Well, the DPT is taking a small break from tyrannically chalking tires and booting cars to actually listen to community concerns about improving Valencia Street traffic flow. (That's so weird and Chronicle-Watch-y!) As part of the DPT's Livable Streets program, (non-helmeted) DPT employees are soliciting comments and suggestions on how traffic on Valencia Street can be improved. Previous Livable Streets projects include the Potrero Street corridor, Market Street, and Bernal Heights.

Their first meeting was last December, and the next meeting is tomorrow, Feb. 24, at 6:30 at the Mission Police Station. Hott and contradictory proposals from December included median parking (love it, put trees there, keep the space for U-turns); bike lanes (keep 'em, ditch 'em, repaint 'em, move 'em); and parking (more! less!). In light of the recent pedestrian death on 17th and Valencia, DPT is particularly focused on foot traffic safety these days, but welcomes suggestions on any aspect of the proposal.

If you've got thoughts, stop by tomorrow's meeting, which promises to be contentious in the best possible civic-awareness kind of way. Them bikers sure are feisty! Or, if you like, leave your thoughts in the comments, and we'll forward them all to the Valencia Street contact person at DPT, Nick Carr.