In the "d'oh, we totally forgot" department (we've been sharing a blunt with Al Gore), yesterday evening our snarker-in-arms down south Defamer (who we swear is actually Thomas Pynchon drinking away his career on the internet) coughed up a link to a recent interview with Robin Williams by the folks at IGN.

Williams, who wasn't too happy about the level of marketing hype and market saturation that -- what many people argue is Disney's last, best, hand-drawn animated feature -- Aladdin received, lambasts "The Mouse House" in the short audio clip. In the process, he offers his respect and his talents to the folks at Pixar in Emeryville. We're just going to predict right now that the next installment in the Finding Nemo series (you know it's going to be a series) has a fast-talking cephalopod in it.


Image of Robin Williams at fellow Marin resident Robert Redford's 2002 Sundance festival by Jeff Vespa of WireImage via IMDB.

Ed. Note: Color us embarrassed, but we just assume if he was rich, he would have moved to Marin. Thanks for correcting us George. Can we use the sharing a blunt with Al Gore excuse again?