NBC announced Wednesday that Mark Burnett will produce a "The Apprentice" spin-off series that will feature Martha Stewart. Production is scheduled to begin in March, after her release from the big house, which means she'll have to tape the show while under house arrest. We think this proves once and for all that when it comes to business balls, she's got the Donald trumped.

SFist wonders what catch phrase she might come up with that could oust Trump's "You're fired!" from the pop culture lexicon. Perhaps a version of her stand-by "It's a good thing"? Or a plain "You're tacky!" Or she may realize that she doesn't need to pretend she's a nice lady anymore, and just shout "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" to that week's loser.

Have some better suggestions for Ms. Stewart? Tell us about them in the comments!

Image from the Martha Stewart mailing list email.