For some reason, we don’t know how or why this hasn’t spread throughout our fair city and what Uncle Grambo calls the Internerd, but last night, we were graced by the presence of the one, the only, Paris Hilton. WE KNOW. And what was she doing here? Trying to skulk off with our hunky and broken-hearted poetic muse of a Mayor? Nope. She was here to attend all the hoopla involved in the gala opening of the San Francisco ballet. Because nothing classes up an event like the attendance of Paris Hilton. Eyewitness accounts said that she left halfway through the event, for what we don’t know. Maybe to catch up on the premiere of her TV show? To maybe meet Lindsey and Tara for some midnight-clubbing, San Francisco style? Or maybe she was just plain bored by the ballet and gave up waiting for someone to start singing. Who knows? The mind is reeling and SFist is giddy with excitement that we could be about to be getting a copious bounty of Paris Hilton sightings throughout the city.

Do you, fellow readers, have any Paris sightings to reveal?

Also in attendance was Sean Hayes of “Will and Grace” fame, who further quelled all those Sean is gay rumors by attending a ballet in San Francisco.

Image courtesy of SFGate