
Tiburon's Robert Redford was busy wining and dining indiewood out in Utah at his Sundance Film Festival this weekend. Netflix Film Critic and blogger James Rocchi (who recently attended a panel organized by the SF Weekly's Michael Fox) passed Defamer a report on how tense been among the the media in Park City. Seems Anthony Kaufman (who we think can be found here) got a little pissy when the Chronicle's 'insider' Ruthe Stein moved his coat to snag a seat for a screening of The Jacket:

Kaufman called Stein on the egregious violation of courtesy, but Stein stated that the chair was abandoned and she had an interview with The Jacket's stars tomorrow. Of course, Kaufman does too ... after leaving once to return to plead his case with a Sundance Volunteer, Kaufman returned and opened up a can of furious anger: "This is so ... Wrong! Who are you?! If I get fired because of you, who are you?" When a fellow scribe offered Kaufman his seat, the crowd of critics broke out in applause ... And relished the irony that Kaufman's new seat was the one immediately to Stein's left.

As Defamer pointed out, "Never f**k with the saved seat of a reporter on deadline."

Photo by John Schaefer.

Ed. Note: Sorry about all the aliterative headlines, we couldn't help ourselves.