The group exhibiton at The Lab's nifty gallery opens January 28, and promises to be a celebration of bears - and the fetishization thereof, an activity in which we're only too happy to participate. Will cubs and otters and chinchillas be invited, too? We'd hate to think that any of our favorite woodland creatures had been left out.

Though beavers may encounter some disinterest.

And if that's not enough fur for you, February 18th sees a special exhibition of jewelry designed for exhibition on mens' hairy body parts. As far as we can make out, real, live, adorned hairy men will be present at the event - yay for non-worksafe male objectification! Nick Dong, the coincidentally named artist, is on record as saying that he "likes to use the authoritative materiality of traditional craft, combined with philosophical twists to comment on socio-economic agendas as well as our basic human condition," which we'd probably think is awesome if we could figure out what it means in practical terms. See you there, furballs!