There will be, of course, an anti-anti-abortion counter rally to be held in response. In fact, some pro-choice organizers are responding with all the love of open-mindedness and civil discussion that makes this city famous. Says

Protest the “Trojan Horse of anti-abortion demonstrators, who were given a permit to march in San Francisco, allowing a Nazi parade in our Left Coast city. We will not tolerate fascism anywhere. We will not allow the worms of anti-science, anti-evolution, anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, anti-women\'s liberation, racism, and anti-labor oppression to parade their hateful, murderous agenda on the streets of San Francisco. If the Democratic Party machine of San Francisco which issued this permit disagrees, the Democratic Party can and should leave town, along with its Republican twin.”
A pro-choice rally starts off at 10 beginning at Powell and Market streets and then they will shadow the anti-abortion march to its end. Sounds like this could all end in some sort of West-Side Story-like rumble. Expected to attend are local politicians, including Tom Ammiano, and a wide variety of pro-choice organizations.