We love to watch a meme spread on the internet. In this case we can trace the explosion of the JL421 Badonkadonk from Palo Alto's NAO Design. It looks like it first appeared on Metafilter, and then spread to Luxist, then We Make Money Not Art, then Jalopnik, then Gizmodo, then Slashdot and finally Boing Boing (we picked it up at Gizmodo).

What is the JL421 Badonkadonk? From the sale page at Amazon:

  • Carries cargo or a crew of up to five internally or on the roof.
  • Piloted from within the armored shell or from an exposed standing position through the hatch.
  • 6hp Tecumseh gasoline engine, top speed 40 mph.
  • Includes head/tail and turn signal lights, trim and underbody lighting.
  • 400 watt premium sound with PA system, plush interior, and external camera.

You can have one custom built with the above features and more. NAO Design also has less spendy items including high-design lighting, furniture, t-shirts and at least one other transportation device obviously intended specifically for someone tripping on 2CB.