On a chilly but still night on Ocean Beach, SFist and HiMY SYeD joined interested passerby in sending a message of hope to the victims of the Tsunami, assembling HiMY's message in luminaria as the sun set to our west and rose to their east. San Francisco became one of many cities worldwide to host a small vigil as part of Global Vigil for a Global Village. HiMY's purpose was to offer people who had been distracted by holiday reveries to remind themselves to take a moment and reflect on the extent of the horrible tragedy. HiMY will be at San Francisco's UN Plaza at 5pm this evening -- drop by on your way home from work to lend your support. There will also be a gathering at 4:30 at the Downtown Berkeley BART entrance for those in the East Bay.

In a story he related to SFist, when telling his activist grandfather of his plans, his grandfather took on a look of pride, but only replied "Very Difficult." Indeed, assembling crowds of somber mourning around the world is an incredibly difficult task. So we'd like to ask for your help on HiMY's behalf in contacting people who you think could help organize vigils or contact local media in their home cities for his larger memorial planned for the 26th. Check out HiMy's vigil blog to make contact and keep up on developments, and check out pictures from around the world at Flickr's globalvigil listing. Check here for more local updates.