It's January, which means it's time for the long awaited Macworld SF. Nothing like gadgets and booth babes to get the geek blood flowing. If you haven't had your fee paid by your publisher or employer, or don't have the money to spend for yourself, then you can at least join Jason Shellen, Biz Stone and Eric Case for lunch at Yerba Buena Gardens. The invite from shellen dot com:

Let's meet at 12:30pm on Tuesday the 11th at the top of the South Hall stairs at Moscone Center. Everyone is welcome (you don't even need a Macworld pass). Bring a friend and if you live in the Bay Area come out for the event and link this invite. If the weather is good, we will probably walk to the nearest Specialty's for sandwiches and fresh baked goodies and then head back to Yerba Buena Gardens to eat.

SFist will be there with beer, camera, and wireless laptop. Come listen to the players discussing the keynote address and go back to work knowing whether Steve announces the phone, flash player, firewire audio interface or office suite.