Sports: Swimming star Michael Phelps. He could have entered fewer races to help ensure better results in his best events, but he didn't -- he participated in every event in which he had a shot, putting it on the line for Team USA. He also gave up his spot in the 4x200-meter relay finals to give a teammate a shot at gold (though, as a qualifying round participant, he still got a medal for it). At the games he truly showed class and sportsmanship -- and still got more medals than anyone else, ever.

: the Boston Red Sox -- victory after decades of futility gives us Gigante fans some hope, I think.

Restaurants: Old or new, SF reigns. I finally tried venerable Tadich Grill (SF's oldest restaurant) only this year and it's become one of my faves. Still haven't been able to get a table at the Ferry Building version of Slanted Door. Must be popular. Mad props.

Movie: Three movies nailed it for me in 2004.
-- The Incredibles -- the detail, the love, the fun. Not to mention some of the deeper issues running through the film.
-- Garden State -- The themes of disassociation, whether from being medicated (self or otherwise) or distance or whatever, speak to me and, to my thinking, a large part of my generation. Good acting too.
-- Sideways -- Maybe because I just saw it (like seconds ago), so it's fresh on my mind, but I liked this film a lot. I think the "buddies on the road drinking too much wine" aspect speaks to the heart of an SFist, even though it takes place in the Central California wineries rather than, ya know, up here. Sequel? Good book too.

Business: Netflix. Changed my life. Plus it got cheaper and kept the same quality of service (contrast with "MUNI" entry, below). I think it's rolling and rolling and it just ain't stopping. Hopefully it'll be to movies what Craigslist is to classifieds. (in other words, the end all, be all).

Runner up