As a member of the Board, Gonzalez has often held art installations in his office, for artists well known and unknown alike. Along with McGee’s bit of graffiti (and by the way, when does graffiti become art? When it’s inside an art studio and not on the 38 Geary? When it’s a little better than your everyday basic “Metallica Rulez” graffiti? When it’s done by white people?), this month’s installation includes the work of another graffiti artist that involves the hanging of five televisions, each showing a different video of young Latinos showing off their tattoos. Roll over DaVinci! Gonzalez has said that once he and his staff moves out, they’ll use their own time and money to paint over the walls which seems fair considering City Hall has been deemed a historical landmark. Either way, here’s hoping Chris “Mad Dog” Daly doesn’t get any ideas from this.
Photo courtesy of the San Francisco Chronicle