Pnut's got it right. What makes San Francisco such a great place to live is that everyone you know "works on their own dream as well as whatever else they do." Seriously. We LOVE the fact that our friends that are accountants by day are DJs by night. Corporate schmoes turn out to be incredible artists on the weekends. That's why SFist loves interviewing all you out there: So much talent holding down so many day jobs. With all the talk of how productive American workers are, we'd like to suggest the real reason behind this: everyone wants to get leave their J-O-B behind and get on with what they really love.

Turns out that Pnut is just like the rest of SFist. He's an artist who pays the bills plying his skillz in the human resource trade. Oh, and SFist is a fan because among other things he's a SoCal defector. Gotta love that!