San Francisco has one less shady spot, as city workers stripped down a 100-foot pine tree in the Tenderloin. The pride and joy of city arborists, the tree was the only 'loin-area tree listed in the book "Trees of San Francisco," and is located in front of one of the only four single-family homes in the neighborhood.

It's unclear who called for the tree to be stripped -- the property in question is currently being sold and neither side in the transaction was willing to comment. The police have also called for the removal of all trees in the Tenderloin because their relative seclusion attracts drug and sex traffic. Neighborhood greenery activists then planted 39 more trees, only to see 5 of them subsequently removed by the cops.

The City stripped off 90 feet of branches off the Tenderloin tree, which makes the tree's chances for survival pretty slim. A woman on the block said, "They are making that tree cry. That was our only shade tree."