We do the reading so you can concentrate on eating.

Gerald Hirigoyen is at it again, adding Bocadillo to his empire of French Basque eateries here in The City - coverage by Paul Reidinger. Dan Leone is a sucker for a willing audience and a cheap sandwich. Masha Gutkin interviews Gordon Edgar, Rainbow Grocery fromagiere, on the occassion the annual American Cheese Society conference in beautiful Milwaukee.

The Chron goes gaga over one of SFist's favorites, potato salad. That's right, it's tuber time - run out and get some heirloom fingerlings while their jackets are still soft. Marlena Spieler trades shoes with her husband after a long day touring Versailles. The Chron cooking school moves to the Ferry Building.

The coverage in the Weekly is so thin today, we've included their corporate sister the East Bay Express in the mix. Meredith Brody takes vegetarians to El Raigon and orders sweetbreads. In the Express, Jonathan Kauffman discovers Pho Ga at Huong Que on International Boulevard. For the picky pooch, he recommends Christine Johnson's veggie dog biscuits from Barks Bakery.