The kid, now a 29-year-old man, who rappelled into a luxury car showroom in San Francisco in 2011 and drove off with celebrity chef Guy Fieri's yellow Lamborghini, and then later fired a gun at romantic rival, was granted parole on Thursday.

The story made national headlines back in October 2011. Not long into his career as TV host and king of dude-bro chefs on the Food Network, Guy Fieri had his first symbol of newfound wealth stolen from him. The yellow Lambo was in the care of the Van Ness Avenue dealership British Motor Car Distributors when a masked cat burglar with climbing equipment broke into the showroom from a skylight, rappelled down, and then helped himself to the sports car, which was valued at $200,000. The crime had actually taken place months earlier, on March 8, 2011, but was not reported until October.

It was six months later, in April 2012, when the Lamborghini showed up in a self-storage facility in Point Richmond, and that find came after the arrest of Marin County 17-year-old Max Wade, who also was facing a separate gun charge.

Wade had fired a gun into an occupied vehicle in which two other teens, 18-year-old Landon Wahlstrom and 17-year-old Eva Dedier, were sitting. Prosecutors argued that Wade, who was known around Mill Valley as a source for fake IDs, had a crush on Dedier, and he fired into the car out of anger or frustration. They also suggested that the Lamborghini theft was done to impress the girl, but it was later determined that Wade was planning to sell the car and had documents showing a plan to ship it out of Oakland to a dealership in the Dominican Republic.

He ended up being charged with attempted murder in addition to grand theft, and was put on trial in October 2013. Guy Fieri was even called to testify that Wade did not have his permission to take the Lambo on a joyride — it had been seen on surveillance cameras going across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Wade was convicted at age 19, and sentenced to 21 years to life. He has been serving his time at San Quentin State Prison. In 2021, his sentence was reduced by 10 years after an appeal to a judge, following the passage of  a new state law that allows judges more discretion in sentencing for gun enhancements.

Now 29 years old, he was granted parole Thursday by a state parole board, as the SF Standard first reported.  

Wade reportedly told the parole board that starting from his early teens, he had "an addiction to criminality." Contradicting some of his testimony at his 2013 trial, Wade admitted that he wanted to kill Wahlstrom, mostly over an online fight, and he was trying to project strength to "uphold the criminal image" he'd maintained among his peers.

His attorney argued that Wade has learned from his mistakes, and hasn't had any major infractions while in prison. He's also reportedly earned a GED and is studying computer science.

There is another 120 days before Wade's parole can be finalized, and it will remain under review.

Previously: Lamborghini Thief Max Wade Convicted On One Count Of Attempted Murder

Lamborghini photo via Unsplash