You could say they're cosplaying for a cause. A group of volunteers called "The Initiative" are making their neighborhood clean up work considerably more exciting with cool capes and outfits, and for her work as a founding member of the group's local branch, San Francisco native Roxanne Cai has been profiled by People magazine as a "doer."

“As soon as you put on a mask or a cape, people approach you, so we do it to draw attention to the cause," Cai tells the publication. “We don’t have any real superpowers except the power to give a damn long enough to do something.”

As profiled in 2013 by the Chronicle, in addition to Cai, who goes by Rock N roll as her super identity, the group consisted of Vector, Clockwork, SageTiger, and more. "I call us Good Samaritans on steroids," Cai said at the time.

According to Cai, the group has picked up 7,000 needles in the Mission District — but the people who leave them there aren't the enemy, and neither are the needles themselves. Says Cai: “If we had a super foe, it would be apathy, because you can’t force people to care — and there’s so much apathy out there,”

The next needle pick up patrol effort is this Sunday and there are three spots open. Anyone have any extra red tights?

Related: Video: Rad Local Woodworker Katie Gong Profiled In New People Mag Series