When we first spotted adorable river otter Sutro Sam sunning himself at the Sutro Baths back in October our initial reaction was: awww. Followed by "I mean, that's adorable, right?" And then, a short time later, "No, seriously, that otter is great." But here we all were, naive to Sam's true nature. Where we thought the lovable aquatic mustelid kept to a strict pescatarian diet, hunting for fishes and such, it turns out he has an insatiable hunger for duck meat.

This photo recently snapped by local photographer Joe Moss shows Sam in the act of dismembering a noble ring-necked duck at his stomping grounds in the ruins of the long gone water park. We should have seen the signs when Sam's celebrity broke wide earlier this month. How could Sam ever be hungry for bland fish again when there's an abundance of much stronger stuff around? And who can blame him, really? Duck fat is delicious.

Anyhow, here's that video of Sam sunning himself again. Which, now that we look, at it does seem kind of fiend-y:

Previously: A River Otter Runs Through It
This Otter Sunning Himself Will Make Your Day Suck Slightly Less