If proved true, none of this is any good. It could lead to civil and in some cases criminal penalties.

In the blogging world, there's something called a "Keith Hernandez" moment. This refers to a scene in Seinfeld where Keith Hernandez, ex-star of the '86 World Champion Mets, did something a little screwy but just pawned it off with the line "I'm Keith Hernandez." Meaning, of course, he could do whatever the hell he wants because he's Keith Hernandez. So if true, consider this Jobs' "Keith Hernandez" moment. After all, he's Steve Jobs.

Apple is once again claiming that there's nothing really to it and they've conducted their own investigation into the matter and came up with nothing. Or at least if there was something, it was the boo-boo of a couple of other people (damn temps). And we all know companies who conduct their own internal investigation never, ever cover things up.

But between this and the other investigation, we have a feeling this story isn't going to go away for awhile.