The controversial entertainment permit for the America's Cup one-season-only music venue on the Embarcadero was unanimously approved by the Entertainment Commission yesterday, meaning the Jonas Brothers, Sting and SFist house band/wine label Train are all clear to rock the waterfront this Summer.
In what sounds like a no-nonsense hearing, Glendon "Anna Conda" Hyde thanked Live Nation for their outreach to the community, and told neighbors that their energy spent filing noise complaints would be better spent cracking down on violence in North Beach:
“I do understand it’s going to be an inconvenience,” [Hyde] said. “But I would’ve rather seen the neighborhood lobbying their mayor and supervisor for money to go from this inconvenience to tackle the gang warfare from happening on Broadway. I don’t think stopping these concerts is the answer."
Although much hated for their convenience fees, Live Nation seems to be gaining favor in City Hall, where Supervisor David Chiu rallied for the company's plan to upgrade the Nob Hill Masonic Center and allow for weekly concerts after a five-year clash with neighbors.
Anyhow, here are the Jonas Brothers, who are playing a pre-back-to-school concert on August 13th and apparently still a worthwhile draw, doing "S.O.S." on a boat. Because it is thematically appropriate: