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  • An illegal nightclub was raided by police in Santa Cruz on Saturday, and four people allegedly running the enterprise were arrested. The mugshots do not disappoint. [KRON4]
  • A person or persons unknown let free a group of pigs at a Morgan Hill high school. [CBS 5]
  • A civil grand jury just released a report on homelessness on the streets of San Francisco, and in it laid out several real-world approaches to ending it. [Chronicle] [SF Gov]
  • This Pacific Heights development is really, really fancy. [Mansion Global]
  • Remember Internapalooza and the associated promises of "bae" interns getting "lit on a Monday night"? Yeah, well, the reality appeared a bit more sedate. [SFist] [Guardian]
  • Ever wonder what it would be like to have $6,500 a month to spend on rent? All the sweet places in SF you could live? The folks over at Curbed complied a list for you — slideshows included. [Curbed]
  • A woman apparently found a KKK recruitment letter on her San Francisco doorstep. [Broke Ass Stuart]
  • A new study by the Restaurant Opportunities Center found that Bay Area restaurants have the largest race-based pay gap in the US. This is reminiscent of a similar study by the same organization last year that found similar conditions statewide. [East Bay Express] [SFist]
  • Once again, the not-a-Warriors-fan Charles Barkley has surprised Warriors fans by speaking up in support of Draymond Green. This time, he backed Green's alleged slapping of a smack-talking fan. [Chronicle] [SFist] [SFist]