Chubbies, a shorts, tank tops, and Hawaiian shirts lifestyle brand, has been branching out into some funny video content to emphasize their presence and drive traffic and interest. So far, they've taken to real life versions of N64 games, first with a real life version of Mario Kart on twisty Lombard Street. Sticking with this formula, their new video is also inspired by N64, and will likely resonate with the Peter Pan dudebro set.

"We had a spare afternoon so naturally we decided to recreate Goldeneye on Alcatraz," they write, "Turns out all you need is a couple of GoPros and some nerf guns."

Watch and enjoy for spot-on jokes about the game play — from proximity mines to golden guns — and stay, I guess, for a general idea about the fun you might have if only you had a pair of patterned shorts.

[Ed.Note: Chubbies has not paid SFist for any sort of endorsement, and we are only playing into their hand and posting the video because it is fun and because Alcatraz.]

Related: Real-Life Mario Kart Race On Lombard Street Helps Launch New Chubbies Content Arm