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  • Remember the sad case of the Berkeley balcony collapse that resulted in six deaths? Following a nine-month investigation, we learn that there will be no criminal charges filed — against the contractor or anyone else. [LA Times]
  • A San Francisco police captain is being investigated by internal affairs following what sounds like (but is not confirmed) being caught in flagrante delicto in his car. [Examiner]
  • UC Hastings is apparently considering doing away with unarmed security officers. Their potential replacement? Heat-packing UC San Francisco police officers. [Examiner]
  • Lyft launched a new service called "Carpool," which is like Lyft Line, only it covers the 101 corridor specifically and lets you sign up 24 hours in advance. [Examiner]
  • Hey, it seems like unicorns might have really existed after all. We're not sure if this bodes well or not for our modern day version. [Snopes] [SFist]
  • Like weed? Like children? Well then do we have a dress for you! Oh, wait, no we don't — it already sold out. [Consumerist]
  • Detroit-based goods manufacturer Shinola just opened up an SF shop. To celebrate, they made a questionable map. [Shinola]
  • SFPD is getting behind a proposed statewide bill that would expand the use of so-called "ignition interlock devices" — those things that convicted drunk drivers have installed on their cars to prevent the engine from starting if the driver can't pass a breathalyzer. [Chronicle] [CBS 5]
  • The SF Tennis Club property is being developed, and the proposed plan lacks (you guessed it) tennis courts. [Chronicle]
  • Take a peek at the renderings of a nine-story development planned for 1296 Shotwell. [SocketSite]
  • Silicon Valley techie parents decide to raise tech-free kids. [Huffington Post]
  • Remember that guy living in a box that we wrote about last week? Well, more people are talking about it, and they've started making Harry Potter comparisons. [SFist] [HouseWire] [Jezebel]
  • A venture capitalist famous for (among many other things) heckling Ron Conway dishes some Silicon Valley dirt. [Vanity Fair] [Tech Crunch]