No one wants to talk about it, but it's a real issue: dogs are sometimes consumed for their meat in parts of Southeast Asia. It's not glamorous, it's not easy and it's not fun, but it is a problem that's beginning to make waves.

Background: In 1988, the Summer Olympics were held in Seoul, South Korea. This brought international attention to what was then a somewhat unknown trade: dog farming.

The issue is not one of cultural differences—instead, it's an issue of cruelty. South Korea is the only country that goes as far as farming dogs as a commodity rather than capturing those on the street for local consumption. The trade goes beyond necessity and applies the same problematic practices to dog farming that are applied to factory farmed animals elsewhere in the world. Small, crowded cages, exposure to the elements, malnourishment, disease: it all leads to an unpleasant life for some of our most intelligent companions.

After the Seoul Olympics, national and international pressure was placed on ending the practice, and in the leadup to the event itself, the Korean government encouraged less consumption and gave the world a firm statement: dog meat in Korea is illegal.

The Legal Grey Area: In the dog farming trade, processing is technically illegal, but laws regulating slaughter, consumption and the farming itself do not exist. There are also vague laws about cruelty, but "cruelty" is not defined, instead left open to interpretation. This adds up to confusion and loopholes allowing a $2 billion industry to thrive.

Today: Despite this staggering number, public opinion in Korea is shifting, and activist groups are working tirelessly to bring international attention to farming conditions.

Additionally, Humane Society International has been on the ground in Korea, working with dog meat farmers to permanently shut down the meat farms and transition their land into agricultural crop growing. Since January 2015, two farmers have converted their dog meat farms into crops, and 94 dogs originally raised for meat have been flown to shelters and given a second chance at a happy and healthy life. In fact, over the next several weeks, 108 dogs rescued from a Korean farm will arrive in the Bay Area for a second chance.

To learn more and get active in the issue, RSVP for a live panel and screening of Eating Happiness, a documentary attempting to bring an end to the inhumane treatment suffered by these animals by ending the trade altogether.

Animal rights activist Genlin takes you on his personal journey through the back streets and rural villages of Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand and China to witness what's really going on. It's a difficult subject, but every little bit helps to get legislation moving.

This post is brought to you by the SF SPCA.