Though the message may have made it out to some — like most of the people who partied in Dolores Park during the day on Saturday, July 4th — the people who lingered on in a stupor or stumbled over there after sundown to watch all the illegal fireworks shoot off Mission rooftops left many piles of trash around the park that had to be cleaned up Sunday morning. As Mission Local reports, that task was taken on by the SF Mime Troupe who were preparing for the third performance of their traditional holiday weekend series in the park. Also, Rec & Parks crew members went around and picked up after you all (you know who you are), as did a few homeless people who had slept there overnight and were, presumably, seeking out bottles and cans to redeem.

The new turf on the northern half of the park has now seen three consecutive weekends of heavy traffic and revelry, and its already showing some wear (and some brown). Still, it looks less worn out than, say, the polo field in Golden Gate Park after a day of trampling by Outside Lands festival-goers. And perhaps it, like half of this city, could use a week of rest and detox right now.

Meanwhile, this PSA that Rec & Parks produced for their #LoveDolores campaign, which featured those costumed Knights of Revery rolling around upon and lovingly caressing the grass, has been removed from YouTube/made private, perhaps because they thought it took the "love" thing a little too literally? Anyway, videos like the one below are still live, featuring those same gents encouraging everyone to use the trash cans.

The "yes we can can" theme song, I think, may in fact have been composed just for this campaign.

Previously: Photos: The New Dolores Park, Revealed [Updated With People Having Fun After Work]