What is it about R2-D2 that makes him feel so human? Because, honestly, he's just a beeping trash can with wheels, right? But as every Star Wars fan knows, he's as "real" and vital a character as any in the series, (realer than many in the most recent three films, ugh).

Though not an official Star Wars/Lucas/Disney production, the short film Artoo In Love (you can watch it below) captures the little robot's spirit quite nicely, as he seeks, loses, and finds love again, all while rolling through the streets of San Francisco. Robots, they're just like us!

Created by Autodesk staffer and Star Wars freak Evan Atherton (you can learn more about how Atherton made the movie on the film's site or in this Gizmodo post), though it's all about R2-D2's journey to love, it's something to which everyone can relate.

Especially, of note: the moment of betrayal by the US Postal Service, a disappointment to which anyone who's had mail lost in San Francisco can relate. (In other words, everyone.) Love, loss, and robots? Sounds like a tale for the ages.