Eastbound traffic on the Bay Bridge slowed to a crawl for about an hour Thursday afternoon, after a California Highway Patrol motorcycle cop wiped out as he was trying to pull over a traffic violator.

It was around noon when a CHP officer patrolling the eastbound lower deck of the bridge spotted another motorcyclist who was, ABC7 reports, not following the rules of the road.

Taking off after the scofflaw, the CHP officer lost control of his motorcycle near the off-ramp to Treasure Island, and "slid into another motorcycle" CHP spokesperson Officer Vu Williams says.

The driver of the second motorcycle wasn't knocked down, Williams says, and escaped injury.

According to ABC7, another CHP officer pulled the motorcyclist our fallen officer had been pursuing over further down the bridge and ticketed him for whatever he'd done to set the first cop after him.

CHP closed two of the bridge's eastbound lanes to perform an investigation, then reopened them a little after 1 p.m.

Williams says that the injured officer was taken to San Francisco General Hospital for evaluation, but suffered only "minor bruising" as a result of the crash.

Related: CHP Cracking Down On Drivers Who Break Bay Bridge Carpool Rules