An elderly man who needs daily medication disappeared last week from the Bayview home he was visiting, and hasn't been seen since.

Richard Smart, Jr. (that's him in the photo above) is an East Bay resident who was staying with family in the Bayview, San Francisco Police Department spokesperson Officer Grace Gatpandan says. On the morning of February 11, a family member awoke to discover that Smart was gone.

According to Gatpandan, there haven't been any reports of Smart spottings following his disappearance. He is considered "at risk due to daily medication needs," Gatpandan says.

Smart is not familiar with San Francisco, Gatpandan says, and might have become lost and disoriented.

Smart is 78 years old, approximately 5'10", weighs about 180 pounds, and has brown eyes and white/grey hair. He was last seen wearing a brown checkered shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, white shoes, and a baseball cap with an "SF" logo on it. He has one gold front tooth.

If you believe you have spotted Smart, please call SFPD at (415) 553-1071 or their Anonymous Tip Line at (415) 575-4444.