Popular underground performer and YouTube artiste Wendy Ho, famous especially among gay fans for her offensive lyrics and faux queen persona, was just a victim of San Francisco's recent spate of robberies. She was in town for a performance at Beatbox on Friday when the car where she had left her bag of makeup, costumes, and performance stuff was broken into. Now friends have started a GoFundMe page to help out this hard-working performer.

In Wendy's own words:

Hey guys, Asking for help has never been my favorite. It shows that there is actually a real human being underneath all dis hair and make up. I don't wanna be human, I wanna be a SupaHO for you! But even the most entertainting of hoz have needs. As many of you know, my drag bag and many of my costumes were stolen out of my friend's car this past weekend in San Francisco. I had just gotten done shooting some amazing photographs, and I went to see a friend of mine's show. I was on a show high for sure--it was AMAZING, so getting back to the car to find that all of these things had been taken was a major punch in the gut. I had a lot of extra stuff with me because I had just shot a bunch of photos, and I had shows of my own to put on for the next 3 nights. There was about $2500 worth of clothes, make up, brushes, travel mirror, cosmetic, bags, shoes, dance tights, jewelry, belts, bras, undergarments, wigs, etc. Needless to say, this shit all adds up quick. AND because of y'all I am already on my feet and not taking a huge hit from this. Atomic Cosmetics & Jennifer Dietrich are sending me make up (the best drag make up on on the planet--check it out), and so many of you have been such rock stars in stepping up and donating. Thank you.

Wendy says that anything donated over the $2500 threshold will be donated to the Central City Hospitality House in San Francisco.

Below, for those unfamiliar, a couple of her more well known works, "Bitch, I Stole Your Purse," and "Poop Noodle." Definitely audio NSFW! Actually the second one is just plain NSFW. And might upset delicate sensibilities.