The gods are truly smiling on San Francisco. Today is the Presidents Day holiday, and it's unbelievably gorgeous out: sunny and warm even in typically chillier areas like the Excelsior and Outer Sunset. But though I see a whole lot of shorts-clad people sauntering down Irving to Ocean Beach, not all of us get to take today off.

Yes, most San Francisco city and county offices are closed for the holiday today, as are the courts and the library. San Francisco public schools are, surprisingly, in session, but they're taking Thursday and Friday off, to the frustration of some parents.

Transit is also scarcer today, with both BART and Muni running on a Saturday schedule, which means fewer vehicles that run less frequently. Parking meters and seven day street sweeping will be enforced in SF, but residential parking permits and Monday-Friday daytime street sweeping and commuter towaway rules will not be enforced today.

But, our personal and professional desire for numerous readers aside, why are you even reading this? You should be outside, or at the very least, on a comfortable couch (those nine DVRed episodes of Madame Secretary won't watch themselves).

Are you stuck at work? If so, why? Lay it on us.

Related: Top 10 Ways To Get Out Of Work Today