• A dumb dude who stole someone's iPhone in Stockton is apparently unaware of the whole cloud concept — he's been shooting lots of selfies, which the owner of the stolen phone now has access to, and therefore so do police. [SFGate]
  • It turns out that sketchy conglomerate of three techie, commune-type residences, all called The Negev, have been facing citations and problems with the city since they began. And their legals troubles at all three locations continue to mount. [Examiner]
  • You can now get weekend brunch at Monsieur Benjamin in Hayes Valley. [Tablehopper]
  • Here's where to go to cut down your own Christmas tree around the Bay Area. [SFGate]
  • The California Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case regarding a proposed 10,000-square-foot billionaire's home on a very steep hillside in Berkeley, and what constitutes "unusual circumstances" when it comes to environmental review. [Chron]
  • It is now easier to report abuse on Twitter, says Twitter. [Twitter]
  • Groundwater supplies, especially in the Central Valley, are seriously low after three years of drought and hundreds of new wells being dug. [CBS 5]