Twitterers and blogs like Uptown Almanac took approximately five seconds to roll out some toast jokes after Divisadero coffeeshop/pricey toast purveyor The Mill experienced a small fire Friday evening. They were in the middle of hosting a "shrimp-shack" pop-up with a guest chef when the chimney attached to their oven caught fire and sent huge flames shooting out along the ceiling of the space. And it was guest chef David Wilcox, formerly of Mill Valley Beerworks and LA's Gjelina, who saved the day, as Eater reports.

Per a tipster:

Despite all the insanity of the situation, the chef [Wilcox] jumped on the back of one of his staff members and climbed up on the top of the oven and probably saved the building. I mean, I'm no expert on fire safety, but you should have seen the thing, it was truly incredible.

Wilcox apparently shrugged it off saying "not my first kitchen fire," and it's unclear if the chimney fire — caused by a buildup of bread flour that ignited — will impact baker Josey Baker's bread production this week. The Mill has posted no update on Facebook about the incident, but Baker told Hoodline the fire was "not a huge deal." (There is, however a photo of Wilcox holding a chard section of flue.)

The Mill was back open as usual on Saturday.