You may remember Esta Noche standby (sob!) Persia's "Google Google Apps Apps." How could you not? It was, after all, the anti-gentrification anthem of summer 2013.

A year later, she's back again with Daddie$ Pla$tik for "Stop Being Poor," with a video that, reports Mission Local, dropped yesterday.

The introductory sample, "if you're poor, stop being poor" is likely familiar to viewers of The Daily Show: It's an audio clip from remarks Fox Business commentator and NYSE Euronext Managing Director Todd Wilemon made to Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi this March. (You can watch the entire segment here, it's pretty trippy.)

Here's the perfect backing track for your next Google bus barf-out, anti-eviction demonstration, or just while you read SFist's comments. And you can dance to it!