The rest of the numbers from last night's game are in: According to San Francisco Police Sgt. Danielle Newman, 81 people were ejected from the game, 30 people were arrested for property destruction, at least one person was injured and one guy tried to make off with a pair of seats after the 49ers last home game at Candlestick Park.

Because there was no room at the County Jail's inn/drunk tank, someone of the suspected drunks had to wake up on Christmas Eve in police substations around the city. That "usually happens during New Year's Eve," Newman told Bay City News.

Although most of the property destruction at the 53-year-old, going-to-be-demolished-anyway stadium seems limited to sign stealing, two possibly intoxicated Niners Faithful were caught running though the parking lot carrying a pair of seats lifted from the stadium. One of the men was carrying a wrench, which he apparently smuggled into the park. The two men didn't get far with their souvenir though: they were caught on video by KRON 4's Justine Waldmen:

In a profile of the 'Stick published in the New York Times yesterday, Dwight Clark told the paper of record, "It was a dump. But it was our dump." Speaking of which, reader Lee Springer brings us this view of our dump's parking lot the morning after:
