Are your loved ones stressed by tech sniping, local rent wars and political posturing? There's no better gift that soothes and relaxes the worrywart in your family than a reminder of just how much worse it could be, and very well will be, soon.

Enter this attractive and informative map from Burrito Justice and Brian Stokle of Urban Life Signs, which showcases of the effects of a predicted 200-foot sea level rise on our fair city. Dubbed the San Francisco "Archipelago," this map renders the city's valleys as underwater inlets and lagoons and its hills as islands like Nob Island, Bernal Isle and Potrero Island. The mainland is ringed by shores like the Divisadero Harbor, the Bay of Castro and the Richmond Sound. Take a look: is your precious slice of real estate underwater or sitting pretty?

The posters are available in three sizes 24″x24″, 16″x16″ and 12″x12″, so just add a frame and they're perfect for the whole family (little Timmy deserves to know what kind of a city he's inheriting, don't you think?). And if you don't look too closely and/or want to drive Al Gore crazy, just think of it as a pretty wall decoration and go about your carbon guzzling day just a little bit happier, and a little bit more full of holiday cheer.

The poster is currently available for purchase at Local Take in the Castro.

Merry Christmas, science!

[Burrito Justice]
[Urban Life Signs]