Super PACs may have the funds to produce campaign ads about whatever they see fit, but there's no accounting for taste! Or art direction! Check out this hilariously mild, gauzy, and poorly acted anti-gay-marriage ad for the Romney/Ryan ticket from the Campaign for American Values PAC. It features a picture of wholesome family, including a disturbed wife recently off her anti-depressants (we're interpolating here), a cheery husband who just woke up, and a dramatic, unnecessary close-up of a coffee mug.

Also, behind an even gauzier filter, with sad piano soundtrack, we see the centrist, "values-based" family in their living room together, including three kids. And look at those trendy, floppy haircuts on the kids!

The point here is of course to sway any centrists who might have voted for Obama in 2008 hoping for "change," but who remain grossed out by the idea of two men marrying each other — the fake husband and wife in the commercial probably don't mind the lesbians down the street so much, because they seem harmless enough, but again, we project. Also, just to clarify, Obama is not "forcing gay marriage" on anyone, and his own stance is pretty mild and far from liberal, but you should know that if you're paying attention.