FILM: Frameline presents Call Me Kuchu, which explores the life and brutal death of veteran activist and the first openly gay man in Uganda, David Kato, in his undeterred fight for the rights of the LGBT community, as he boldly dares to protest publicly—in the courts, on television, at the United Nations—despite the great personal danger it poses to him and his small band of fellow kuchu activists. (7 p.m., Castro Theatre, 429 Castro Street)

MUSIC: This month's Brazilian Wax will feature live musical guest Boru-Coe, whose Afro-Brazilian psychedelic sound ranges in influence from Colombia, Peru and Brazil, along with samba dancers, Amor Do Samba, and resident DJs Carioca & P-Shot. (9 p.m., Elbo Room, 647 Valencia Street)

LITERARY: Write Club, which originated in Chicago, describes the concept behind the event as simply, "Literature as bloodsport. Prize money to charity," featuring "2 opposing writers. 2 opposing ideas. 7 minutes each. Audience picks the winner. Proceeds go to winner's charity of choice." (7 p.m., Make-Out Room, 3225 22nd Street)