Several local Native American non-profits are doing great things for Natives and non-Natives in the community these days (e.g., Friendship House, Native American Health Center, American Indian Child and Resource Center), so we strongly urge you to attend Friday night's Giants game at AT&T Park. Why? Well, because it's Native American Heritage Night. Your ticket will ensure that you get a seat in one of the Native American Heritage sections, but also a Giants-themed Native American Heritage item.

Partial proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to local Native American based charities. But, please, don't come dressed in hipster Native American garb. Although (much to our aesthetic disdain) southwestern/Navajo prints are very in right now, at least they are according to a recent visit to Urban Outfitters. So go nuts. But be respectful.

Giants take on Texas at 7:15 p.m. More details.