Recology (not to be confused with Vibeology, the study of the chemistry between you and me) rejoices as Proposition A goes down in flames, while Coit Tower's Proposition B wins. Let's see what went down:

Prop A, the garbage proposal, was rejected by 77 percent of city voters. The measure would have required Recology, San Francisco's waste services, to be "put up for competitive bidding. "We have the most successful system in the country and there's no reason to mess with it," chirped Jordan Curley, campaign manager for No on A.

Also, Coit Tower just got a little more boring for tourists and rich people who attend VIP parties. Prop B just barely passed last night, with unofficial results saying that 54 percent of city voters gave it the thumbs up. The measure places limits on food vendors, gift shops, and after-hour VIP parties. (Sorry, Zynga, you'll have to find another venue for a whisky-tini party!) Also, revenue accrued from the tower will be spent on preservation of the historic Depression-era murals. This comes on the heels of Mayor Ed Lee's announcement of adding a $1.7 million fund to repair Coit Tower two weeks ago. So, you know, those murals better sparkle and shine.

In other election news, Dianne Feinstein will (probably) continue to rule the land. Mark Leno still shines. Jackie Speier dazzles her audience. And Proposition 29, the cigarette tax, is still too close to call! But more on that later...

[via SF Appeal]