A prolific, yet apparently nameless, graffiti artist behind one of the few tags we actually kind of liked was busted doing his best Banksy-esque work recently. According to the folks at Uptown Almanac, the artist (or tagger, if you prefer) has been "terrorizing" a couple blocks around 19th and Guerrero for the past few months before a neighbor with a camera spotted him practicing his craft in broad daylight at a construction site near Dolores Park.

As we've seen in the past, neighbors love to get in on the citizen journalism/amateur detective work these days, so the below video is comprehensive 10-minute overview that takes us from the tagger's humble beginnings doodling cartoon pigeons around the Mission District right up until his arrest, which appears to have gone down sometime last month. In the interest of timesaving and schadenfreude, we've helpfully fast forwarded to the part where SFPD officers chase the can-rattler on to a backyard fire escape. Observe:

Previously: Heroin-Selling Tenderloin Deli Gets The Ken Burns Treatment