Two favorite SFist subjects converged in a story this week: crime, and puppies. Thieves broke into a Bayview district home Tuesday morning and, after attacking the two adult parent dogs in the house, stole 4 three-week-old puppies. The puppies, in fact, appear to be all that the burglars were after.

The two adult parents, which are described as a beagle and a Doberman pinscher (though the mom dog pictured at right doesn't really look like a pure-bred Doberman), were allegedly attacked with a blunt object over the head. Police are seeking anonymous tips about the puppy theft at (415) 822-8147.

The puppies, described as Doberman-beagle mix, are black and tan, tan and white, and very cute, as you can see.

Also, don't buy black-market puppies!