Chris Middleton, the California man who recently moved to Georgia only to be shot in the stomach after cheering on the Niners at a Duluth-area Applebee's on Saturday, remained in critical condition yesterday evening. But according to Middleton's doctors, his meal at the neighborhood grill with over 2,000 locations might just save his life.

Per the Examiner today: "Doctors told [Middleton's mother] her son was lucky that he had just eaten, as the food buffered the bullet to prevent more serious damage inside his body."

Also from the Examiner we learn that Middleton, despite having recently moved from California to Georgia, was not the real Niners fan here. His friend Corey Adams, who was grazed in the back of the head by one of the shooter's bullets, told Middleton's mother, "It was all me. I was the one having the conversation with the guy... Chris never said anything to agitate this guy.” The suspect, Donald Aryo, reportedly waited outside the Applebee's location for two hours before ambushing Middleton and Adams in the parking lot.

Previously: Two Niners Fans Shot Outside Georgia Applebee's