Despite the fact that every ne'er-do-well and elderly lady with a pink plastic shopping bag already does this, back-door boarding on Muni busses is still illegal, and that one Muni driver in twenty who is not sleepwalking through their shift will still yell at you if you do this. But now, in an effort to improve on-time performance, the SFMTA board is considering making all-door boarding the new policy on buses, and putting more fare inspectors out there to make sure all those old ladies have Clipper cards.

This seems to have been in the cards all along, given that Clipper card readers were installed at back doors of buses eons ago. But now the board sounds close to voting on the issue. (Phil Ting has even started a petition supporting the cause!) Somehow, adding fare inspectors to crowded buses does not sound to us like it's going to make life more efficient, but there you have it. Muni is all about efficiency and timeliness, folks.

[SF Appeal]