Willie Brown had another busy week this week. The former mayor can seem a little delusional as it is, so the satire pieces that popped up about him this week can't be helping his mental state. But first, there's the food stacking controversy:

By far Willie's biggest news this week was the discovery that when a steak is placed on top of the french fries on your plate - it means you "automatically" get some potatoes with every bite. This incredible breakthrough in culinary arrangement can be found at Scala's in Union Square, but not everyone is keen on this method of steak and frites delivery: Michael Bauer, possibly the only person who pays for fewer meals than Da Gourmayor, told readers he would rather keep his fries crisp, "otherwise why waste the calories to consume them?" Because Mr. Brown likes to pile things on and make a big mess of everything, that's why.

Although he's a fan of jazz, Willie Brown would rather not patronize the kitchen at the Rrazz room where he attended a performance of Nina Simone standards. Longtime Brown armcandy Sonya Molodetskaya "threatened" to order food there after the performance, but Willie was in dire need of Town Hall's friend chicken, so he called ahead and pulled a total Willie Brown move to get the kitchen to stay open. Willie says they'll do this for anyone who calls in, but we suspect there maybe be some corruption in Town Hall.

Reprint alert: Last week's review of Atelier Crenn is this week's filler in the Sunday column.

And speaking of last week's news: Willie addressed the reports that he lunched at Le Central with Arnold Schwarzenegger the other day. Willie reports that the former governor "appeared more relaxed than I have ever seen him." Apparently Willie never got around to watching the meathead documentary Pumping Iron, because Arnold looks pretty relaxed here.

Speaking of Willie's movie time, he classed it up this week with "films that exercise your brain." Of the three he watched this week, A Better Life was his favorite. It reminded him of his mother.

From the archives: After News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch received a pie in the face, the Washington Post rounded up a top-ten of celebrity pie-ings. The list includes that time Willie caught some creamy ordinance in the face in 1998. Although Willie generally enjoys a good dessert, that attack by the Biotic Baking Brigade was a response to the "skyrocketing level of evictions" in the city.

Finally, in Fake Willie Brown news, we've already pointed out the Weekly's new Faux Willie Brown feature. It's kind of funny, we suppose, but the problem with talking about Willie Brown as though he is a ridiculous caricature is that he actually is a ridiculous caricature.